path: root/programs/dotfiles/kitty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'programs/dotfiles/kitty')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/programs/dotfiles/kitty/kitty.conf b/programs/dotfiles/kitty/kitty.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 006956a..0000000
--- a/programs/dotfiles/kitty/kitty.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-font_family FiraCode Nerd Font
-bold_font auto
-italic_font auto
-bold_italic_font auto
-include ./theme.conf
-scrollback_lines 1000
-scrollback_pager less --chop-long-lines --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS +INPUT_LINE_NUMBER
-scrollback_pager_history_size 0
-scrollback_fill_enlarged_window no
-wheel_scroll_multiplier 5.0
-mouse_hide_wait -1
-detect_urls no
-copy_on_select no
-strip_trailing_spaces never
-select_by_word_characters @-./_~?&=%+#
-click_interval -1
-focus_follows_mouse yes
-default_pointer_shape beam
-pointer_shape_when_dragging beam
-repaint_delay 10
-input_delay 3
-sync_to_monitor yes
-remember_window_size no
-initial_window_width 640
-initial_window_height 480
-enabled_layouts *
-tab_bar_min_tabs 2
-tab_bar_edge bottom
-tab_bar_style powerline
-tab_powerline_style slanted
-tab_title_template {title}{' :{}'.format(num_windows) if num_windows > 1 else ''}
-close_on_child_death no
-allow_remote_control no
-listen_on none
-update_check_interval 24
-startup_session none
-clipboard_control write-clipboard write-primary
-allow_hyperlinks yes
diff --git a/programs/dotfiles/kitty/themes/mocha.conf b/programs/dotfiles/kitty/themes/mocha.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ebc78f..0000000
--- a/programs/dotfiles/kitty/themes/mocha.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# vim:ft=kitty
-## name: Catppuccin Kitty Mocha
-## author: Catppuccin Org
-## license: MIT
-## upstream:
-## blurb: Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
-# The basic colors
-foreground #CDD6F4
-background #1E1E2E
-selection_foreground #1E1E2E
-selection_background #F5E0DC
-# Cursor colors
-cursor #F5E0DC
-cursor_text_color #1E1E2E
-# URL underline color when hovering with mouse
-url_color #F5E0DC
-# Kitty window border colors
-active_border_color #B4BEFE
-inactive_border_color #6C7086
-bell_border_color #F9E2AF
-# OS Window titlebar colors
-wayland_titlebar_color system
-macos_titlebar_color system
-# Tab bar colors
-active_tab_foreground #11111B
-active_tab_background #CBA6F7
-inactive_tab_foreground #CDD6F4
-inactive_tab_background #181825
-tab_bar_background #11111B
-# Colors for marks (marked text in the terminal)
-mark1_foreground #1E1E2E
-mark1_background #B4BEFE
-mark2_foreground #1E1E2E
-mark2_background #CBA6F7
-mark3_foreground #1E1E2E
-mark3_background #74C7EC
-# The 16 terminal colors
-# black
-color0 #45475A
-color8 #585B70
-# red
-color1 #F38BA8
-color9 #F38BA8
-# green
-color2 #A6E3A1
-color10 #A6E3A1
-# yellow
-color3 #F9E2AF
-color11 #F9E2AF
-# blue
-color4 #89B4FA
-color12 #89B4FA
-# magenta
-color5 #F5C2E7
-color13 #F5C2E7
-# cyan
-color6 #94E2D5
-color14 #94E2D5
-# white
-color7 #BAC2DE
-color15 #A6ADC8