path: root/include/straw.hpp
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authorJon Santmyer <>2022-06-22 17:41:59 -0400
committerJon Santmyer <>2022-06-22 17:41:59 -0400
commit5e3a2492c7bb73daa4e27398daaf490d09980ff3 (patch)
tree75178d823d596b6a898002c3f1d45b9ceede0e1e /include/straw.hpp
Base system viewer with data loaded from csv files
Diffstat (limited to 'include/straw.hpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/straw.hpp b/include/straw.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c147b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/straw.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#ifndef STRAW_HPP
+#define STRAW_HPP 1
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <vector>
+#include <span>
+#include <string>
+#include <concepts>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace straw
+struct color {
+ std::uint8_t r{}, g{}, b{};
+ constexpr color(std::uint8_t R, std::uint8_t G, std::uint8_t B) : r(R), g(G), b(B) {}
+ constexpr color(std::uint8_t A) : r(A), g(A), b(A) {}
+ constexpr uint32_t single() { return (uint32_t)r << 16 | (uint32_t)g << 8 | (uint32_t)b; }
+ constexpr bool operator==(const color &o) const = default;
+static constexpr color WHITE{255, 255, 255};
+static constexpr color BLACK{0, 0, 0};
+struct attribs {
+ color bg{0, 0, 0}, fg{255, 255, 255};
+ bool bold, underline;
+ constexpr attribs() = default;
+ constexpr attribs(color Fg) : fg(Fg) {}
+ constexpr attribs(color Bg, color Fg) : bg(Bg), fg(Fg) {}
+ constexpr attribs(color Bg, color Fg, bool B, bool U) : bg(Bg), fg(Fg), bold(B), underline(U) {}
+ constexpr bool operator==(const attribs &o) const = default;
+template<typename T>
+concept char_type = std::integral<T>;
+template<char_type chartype>
+struct cell {
+ chartype chr{};
+ attribs attr{};
+ constexpr cell() = default;
+ constexpr cell(chartype Chr) : chr(Chr) {}
+ constexpr cell(chartype Chr, color Fg) : chr(Chr), attr(Fg) {}
+ constexpr cell(chartype Chr, color Bg, color Fg) : chr(Chr), attr(Bg, Fg) {}
+ constexpr cell(chartype Chr, color Bg, color Fg, bool B, bool U) : chr(Chr), attr(Bg, Fg, B, U) {}
+ constexpr cell(chartype Chr, attribs Attr) : chr(Chr), attr(Attr) {}
+ constexpr bool operator==(const cell &o) const = default;
+const std::string ANSI_ESCAPE = "\E[";
+static void ANSI_MOVE(unsigned x, unsigned y) { std::cout << ANSI_ESCAPE << y+1 << ';' << x+1 << 'H' << std::flush; }
+static void ANSI_COLOR_FG(color c) { std::cout << ANSI_ESCAPE << "38;2;" << (unsigned)c.r << ';' << (unsigned)c.g << ';' << (unsigned)c.b << 'm' << std::flush; }
+static void ANSI_COLOR_BG(color c) { std::cout << ANSI_ESCAPE << "48;2;" << (unsigned)c.r << ';' << (unsigned)c.g << ';' << (unsigned)c.b << 'm' << std::flush; }
+class screen_command_base {};
+template<char_type chartype>
+class screen {
+ explicit screen(unsigned X, unsigned Y, unsigned W, unsigned H, chartype C, color B, color F) :
+ m_x(X), m_y(Y), m_width(W), m_height(H), m_front(W * H, cell{C, B, F}), m_back(m_front),
+ m_cursorAttribs(B,F), m_fillChar(C)
+ {
+ redraw();
+ }
+ explicit screen(unsigned X, unsigned Y, unsigned W, unsigned H, chartype C) :
+ screen(X, Y, W, H, C, color{0, 0, 0}, color{255, 255, 255}) {}
+ explicit screen(unsigned X, unsigned Y, unsigned W, unsigned H) :
+ screen(X, Y, W, H, ' ') {}
+ constexpr void setcursorxy(unsigned x, unsigned y) { m_cursorX = x; m_cursorY = y; }
+ constexpr void setcursorfg(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { m_cursorAttribs.fg = color{r, g, b}; }
+ constexpr void setcursorbg(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { = color{r, g, b}; }
+ constexpr void setcursorfg(color c) { m_cursorAttribs.fg = c; }
+ constexpr void setcursorbg(color c) { = c; }
+ constexpr void setcursorbold(bool bold) { m_cursorAttribs.bold = bold; }
+ constexpr void setcursorunderline(bool underline) { m_cursorAttribs.underline = underline; }
+ constexpr unsigned getcursorx() { return m_cursorX; }
+ constexpr unsigned getcursory() { return m_cursorY; }
+ constexpr unsigned getx() { return m_x; }
+ constexpr unsigned gety() { return m_y; }
+ constexpr unsigned getwidth() { return m_width; }
+ constexpr unsigned getheight() { return m_height; }
+ void clear(const chartype c) { std::fill(m_front.begin(), m_front.end(), cell{c, m_cursorAttribs}); }
+ void clearrow(unsigned y, const chartype c) {
+ assert(y < m_height);
+ std::fill(m_front.begin() + (y * m_width),
+ m_front.begin() + (y * m_width) + m_width,
+ cell{c, m_cursorAttribs});
+ }
+ void scroll() {
+ m_cursorY = m_height - 1;
+ std::copy(m_front.begin() + m_width, m_front.end(), m_front.begin());
+ std::fill(m_front.end() - m_width, m_front.end(), cell{m_fillChar, m_cursorAttribs});
+ }
+ void setc(unsigned x, unsigned y, chartype c) {
+ assert(x < m_width);
+ assert(y < m_height);
+ m_front[x + (y * m_width)] = cell{c, m_cursorAttribs};
+ }
+ void putc(chartype c){
+ if(m_cursorY == m_height) {
+ scroll();
+ }
+ switch(c) {
+ case '\n':
+ m_cursorX = 0; m_cursorY++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ (*this)[m_cursorY][m_cursorX++] =
+ cell{c, m_cursorAttribs};
+ break;
+ }
+ if(m_cursorX == m_width) {
+ m_cursorY++;
+ m_cursorX = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void puts(const std::basic_string<chartype> &s){
+ for(const chartype &c : s) this->putc(c);
+ }
+ void redraw() {
+ attribs cattr = (*this)[0][0].attr;
+ ANSI_COLOR_FG(cattr.fg);
+ for(unsigned y = 0; y < m_height; y++) {
+ ANSI_MOVE(m_x, m_y + y);
+ for(cell c : (*this)[y]) {
+ if(cattr != c.attr) {
+ cattr = c.attr;
+ ANSI_COLOR_FG(cattr.fg);
+ }
+ std::cout << c.chr;
+ }
+ std::cout.clear();
+ }
+ m_back = m_front;
+ }
+ void flush() {
+ attribs currAttr = m_front[0].attr;
+ ANSI_COLOR_FG(currAttr.fg);
+ for(unsigned y = 0; y < m_height; y++) {
+ auto backspan = std::span<cell<chartype>>(
+ m_back.begin() + (y * m_width),
+ m_back.begin() + (y * m_width) + m_width);
+ auto frontspan = (*this)[y];
+ bool change = false;
+ if(std::equal(backspan.begin(), backspan.end(), frontspan.begin(), frontspan.end())) continue;
+ for(unsigned x = 0; x < m_width; x++) {
+ cell c = frontspan[x];
+ if(c == backspan[x]) continue;
+ ANSI_MOVE(x + m_x, y + m_y);
+ if(c.attr != currAttr) {
+ ANSI_COLOR_FG(c.attr.fg);
+ currAttr = c.attr;
+ }
+ change = true;
+ std::cout << c.chr;
+ }
+ if(change) std::cout.clear();
+ }
+ m_back = m_front;
+ }
+ std::span<cell<chartype>> operator[](std::size_t i) {
+ assert(i < m_width * m_height);
+ return std::span<cell<chartype>>(
+ m_front.begin() + (i * m_width),
+ m_front.begin() + (i * m_width) + m_width);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ requires(!std::is_base_of<screen_command_base, T>::value)
+ friend screen &operator<<(screen &o, const T &rhs) {
+ std::basic_stringstream<chartype> ss;
+ ss << rhs;
+ o.puts(ss.str());
+ return o;
+ }
+ unsigned m_x{}, m_y{};
+ unsigned m_width{}, m_height{};
+ std::vector<cell<chartype>> m_front;
+ std::vector<cell<chartype>> m_back;
+ unsigned m_cursorX{}, m_cursorY{};
+ attribs m_cursorAttribs;
+ chartype m_fillChar;
+struct screen_command_flush : public screen_command_base {
+ explicit screen_command_flush() = default;
+ template<char_type T>
+ friend screen<T> &operator<<(screen<T> &o, const screen_command_flush &cmd) {
+ (void)cmd;
+ o.flush();
+ return o;
+ }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_flush flush() { return screen_command_flush{}; }
+struct screen_command_redraw : public screen_command_base {
+ explicit screen_command_redraw() = default;
+ template<char_type T>
+ friend screen<T> &operator<<(screen<T> &o, const screen_command_redraw &cmd) {
+ (void)cmd;
+ o.redraw();
+ return o;
+ }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_redraw redraw() { return screen_command_redraw{}; }
+template<char_type chartype>
+struct screen_command_clear : public screen_command_base {
+ chartype c;
+ explicit screen_command_clear(chartype C) : c(C) {}
+ friend screen<chartype> &operator<<(screen<chartype> &o, const screen_command_clear &cmd) {
+ o.clear(cmd.c);
+ return o;
+ }
+template<char_type chartype>
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_clear<chartype> clear() { return screen_command_clear{chartype{}}; }
+template<char_type chartype>
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_clear<chartype> clear(chartype c) { return screen_command_clear{c}; }
+struct screen_command_move : public screen_command_base {
+ unsigned x, y;
+ explicit screen_command_move(unsigned X, unsigned Y) : x(X), y(Y) {}
+ template<char_type T>
+ friend screen<T> &operator<<(screen<T> &o, const screen_command_move &cmd) {
+ o.setcursorxy(cmd.x, cmd.y);
+ return o;
+ }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_move move(unsigned x, unsigned y) { return screen_command_move{x, y}; }
+template<char_type chartype>
+struct screen_command_plot : public screen_command_base {
+ chartype c;
+ unsigned x, y;
+ explicit screen_command_plot(unsigned X, unsigned Y, chartype C) : c(C), x(X), y(Y) {}
+ friend screen<chartype> &operator<<(screen<chartype> &o, const screen_command_plot &cmd) {
+ o.setc(cmd.x, cmd.y, cmd.c);
+ return o;
+ }
+template<char_type T>
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_plot<T> plot(unsigned x, unsigned y, T c) { return screen_command_plot{x, y, c}; }
+struct screen_command_recolor : public screen_command_base {
+ color fg, bg;
+ bool rfg, rbg;
+ explicit screen_command_recolor(color Fg, bool side) : fg(Fg), bg(Fg), rfg(side ? true : false), rbg(side ? false : true) {}
+ explicit screen_command_recolor(color Fg, color Bg) : fg(Fg), bg(Bg), rfg(true), rbg(true) {}
+ template<char_type T>
+ friend screen<T> &operator<<(screen<T> &o, const screen_command_recolor &cmd) {
+ if(cmd.rbg) o.setcursorbg(;
+ if(cmd.rfg) o.setcursorfg(cmd.fg);
+ return o;
+ }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_recolor setfg(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return screen_command_recolor{color{r, g, b}, true}; }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_recolor setbg(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return screen_command_recolor{color{r, g, b}, false}; }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_recolor setcolor(color fg, color bg) { return screen_command_recolor{fg, bg}; }
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_recolor resetcolor() { return screen_command_recolor{WHITE, BLACK}; }
+template<char_type chartype>
+struct screen_command_fillrow : public screen_command_base {
+ unsigned row;
+ chartype c;
+ friend screen<chartype> &operator<<(screen<chartype> &o, const screen_command_fillrow &cmd) {
+ o.clearrow(cmd.row, cmd.c);
+ return o;
+ }
+template<char_type T>
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_fillrow<T> fillrow(unsigned row) { return screen_command_fillrow<T>{.row = row, .c = ' '}; }
+template<char_type T>
+[[nodiscard]] static screen_command_fillrow<T> fillrow(unsigned row, T c) { return screen_command_fillrow<T>{.row = row, .c = c}; }