path: root/src/camera.cpp
diff options
authorJon Santmyer <>2022-06-22 17:41:59 -0400
committerJon Santmyer <>2022-06-22 17:41:59 -0400
commit5e3a2492c7bb73daa4e27398daaf490d09980ff3 (patch)
tree75178d823d596b6a898002c3f1d45b9ceede0e1e /src/camera.cpp
Base system viewer with data loaded from csv files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/camera.cpp')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/camera.cpp b/src/camera.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e99a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/camera.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "camera.hpp"
+#include "shape.hpp"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <variant>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <any>
+ if(m_dirty) {
+ *m_viewport << straw::clear(' ');
+ m_frustum = shapes::rectangle<long>(0, 0, (long)m_viewport->getwidth(), (long)m_viewport->getheight());
+ m_frustum.position -= (m_frustum.bounds / 2);
+ m_frustum.position += m_position + m_origin;
+ m_dirty = false;
+ }
+RenderBatchEntry::translate(Camera *camera)
+ std::visit([camera](auto &shapeval) {
+ shapeval.translate(-camera->m_frustum.position);
+ shapeval.translate((camera->m_frustum.bounds * camera->m_scale) / 2);
+ shapeval.position = vex::vec2<long>(
+ (long)std::floor((double)shapeval.position[0] / (double)camera->m_scale),
+ (long)std::floor((double)shapeval.position[1] / (double)camera->m_scale));
+ shapeval.scale(camera->m_scale);
+ }, shape);
+ if(!m_dirty) return;
+ updateFrustum();
+ shapes::rectangle<long> ssfrustum{vex::vec2<long>(0, 0), vex::vec2<long>(m_viewport->getwidth(), m_viewport->getheight())};
+ //Remove all batches not intersecting the screenspace frustum
+ m_shapeBatch.erase(
+ std::remove_if(
+ m_shapeBatch.begin(),
+ m_shapeBatch.end(),
+ [ssfrustum, this](RenderBatchEntry &entry){
+ entry.translate(this);
+ return std::visit([ssfrustum](auto &&shape) {
+ return shapes::intersects(shape, ssfrustum) == 0;
+ }, entry.shape);
+ }),
+ m_shapeBatch.end());
+ for(RenderBatchEntry &entry : m_shapeBatch) entry.plot(this);
+ m_shapeBatch.clear();
+RenderBatchEntry::plotPoint(shapes::point<long> point, Camera *camera) {
+ long ploty = camera->m_viewport->getheight() - point.position[1];
+ if(point.position[0] < 0 || point.position[0] >= camera->m_viewport->getwidth() ||
+ ploty < 0 || ploty >= camera->m_viewport->getheight()) return;
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::setcolor(fg, bg) << straw::plot(point.position[0], ploty, c);
+RenderBatchEntry::plotLine(shapes::line<long> line, Camera *camera) {
+ if(line.end == line.position) {
+ plotPoint(shapes::point<long>(line.position), camera);
+ }
+ vex::vec2<long> vpdim(camera->m_viewport->getwidth(),
+ camera->m_viewport->getheight());
+ vex::vec2<long> d(line.end - line.position);
+ long adx = std::abs(d[0]);
+ long ady = std::abs(d[1]);
+ long offX= d[0] > 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ long offY = d[1] > 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::setcolor(fg, bg);
+ if(adx < ady) {
+ long err = ady / 2;
+ long x = line.position[0];
+ long y = line.position[1];
+ for(long i = 0; i < ady; i++) {
+ if(x > 0 && x < vpdim[0] && y > 0 && y < vpdim[1]) {
+ long ploty = vpdim[1] - y;
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::plot(x, ploty, c);
+ }
+ if(err >= ady) {
+ x += offX;
+ y += offY;
+ err += adx - ady;
+ }else {
+ y += offY;
+ err += adx;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ long err = adx / 2;
+ long x = line.position[0];
+ long y = line.position[1];
+ for(long i = 0; i < adx; i++) {
+ if(x > 0 && x < vpdim[0] && y > 0 && y < vpdim[1]) {
+ long ploty = vpdim[1] - y;
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::plot(x, ploty, c);
+ }
+ if(err >= adx) {
+ x += offX;
+ y += offY;
+ err += ady - adx;
+ }else {
+ x += offX;
+ err += ady;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+RenderBatchEntry::plotCircle(shapes::circle<long> circle, Camera *camera) {
+ if(circle.radius == 1) {
+ plotPoint(shapes::point<long>(circle.position), camera);
+ return;
+ }
+ long sy = std::max<long>(1, circle.position[1] - circle.radius);
+ long ey = std::min<long>(camera->m_viewport->getheight(), circle.position[1] + circle.radius);
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::setcolor(fg, bg);
+ for(long y = sy; y <= ey; y++) {
+ long ploty = camera->m_viewport->getheight() - y;
+ long r2 = circle.radius * circle.radius;
+ long dy = circle.position[1] - y;
+ long dx = (long)std::sqrt(r2 - (dy * dy));
+ long sx = std::max<long>(0, circle.position[0] - dx + 1);
+ long ex = std::min<long>(camera->m_viewport->getwidth(), circle.position[0] + dx);
+ for(unsigned x = (unsigned)sx; x < ex; x++) {
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::plot(x, ploty, c);
+ }
+ }
+RenderBatchEntry::plotRectangle(shapes::rectangle<long> rectangle, Camera *camera)
+ if(rectangle.bounds[1] == 1) {
+ plotPoint(shapes::point<long>(rectangle.position), camera);
+ return;
+ }
+ long sy = std::max<long>(1, rectangle.position[1]);
+ long ey = std::min<long>(camera->m_viewport->getheight(), rectangle.position[1] + rectangle.bounds[1]);
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::setcolor(fg, bg);
+ for(long y = sy; y < ey; y++) {
+ long ploty = camera->m_viewport->getheight() - y;
+ long sx = std::max<long>(0, rectangle.position[1]);
+ long ex = std::min<long>(camera->m_viewport->getwidth(), rectangle.position[1] + rectangle.bounds[1]);
+ for(unsigned x = (unsigned)sx; x < ex; x++) {
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::plot(x, ploty, c);
+ }
+ }
+RenderBatchEntry::plotEllipse(shapes::ellipse<long> shapeval, Camera *camera) {
+ if(shapeval.a == 1) {
+ plotPoint(shapes::point<long>(shapeval.position), camera);
+ return;
+ }
+ long sy = std::max<long>(1, shapeval.position[1] - shapeval.b);
+ long ey = std::min<long>(camera->m_viewport->getheight(), shapeval.position[1] + shapeval.b);
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::setcolor(fg, bg);
+ for(long y = sy; y <= ey; y++) {
+ long ploty = camera->m_viewport->getheight() - y;
+ long dy = shapeval.position[1] - y;
+ long dy2 = dy * dy;
+ long a2 = shapeval.a * shapeval.a;
+ long b2 = shapeval.b * shapeval.b;
+ long dx = (long)(((2.0 * (double)shapeval.a) /
+ (double)shapeval.b) * std::sqrt(b2 - dy2) / 2.0);
+ long sx = std::max<long>(0, shapeval.position[0] - dx + 1);
+ long ex = std::min<long>(camera->m_viewport->getwidth(), shapeval.position[0] + dx);
+ for(unsigned x = (unsigned)sx; x < ex; x++) {
+ *camera->m_viewport << straw::plot(x, ploty, c);
+ }
+ }
+RenderBatchEntry::plot(Camera *camera)
+ std::visit([this, camera](auto &shapeval) -> void{
+ using T = std::decay_t<decltype(shapeval)>;
+ if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, shapes::point<long>>) plotPoint(shapeval, camera);
+ if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, shapes::line<long>>) plotLine(shapeval, camera);
+ if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, shapes::ellipse<long>>) plotEllipse(shapeval, camera);
+ if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, shapes::circle<long>>) plotCircle(shapeval, camera);
+ if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, shapes::rectangle<long>>) plotRectangle(shapeval, camera);
+ }, shape);