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    <title>Learning Rust</title>

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        <div class="window-title"><h2 style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">Learning Rust</h2></div>
        <div class="window-content">
            <p>I am a long-time proponent of C. I have been using it for most of my life, and change is scary.</p>
            <p>However, I also believe in broadening my skillset and learning new things.</p>
            <p>This defines my dilemma. I want to learn something new, but I want to keep using C.</p>
            <p>And then the US government decree'd that us C plebs should move on to rust</p>
            <p>So without further adieu, as my first foray into "blogging", welcome to my attempt to document my journey into the Rust ecosystem</p>
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            <p>This project, codename "Systemic", is hosted on my git server</p>
            <a class="link-button" href="">Source</a>
            <p style="display: inline-block"> Requires nix and cargo. depends on <a href="">Raylib</a></p>
            <a class="link-button" href="1.html">1: Orbitals</a>
            <p style="display: inline-block"> : How do I store non-owning references to other objects?</p>
            <a class="link-button" href="2.html">2: Systems</a>
            <p style="display: inline-block"> : Why does borrowing a mutable element of Vec borrow the entire Vec?</p>